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The A. urinae and A. sanguinicola patients were old (median age >80 years), predominately of male gender and underlying urological diseases were common. A majority of the A. urinae and A. sanguinicola patients had severe sepsis. Five patients with A. urinae bacteremia were diagnosed with infective endocarditis. A. Aerococcus urinae may cause urinary tract infections, bacteremia, and endocarditis. No standardized susceptibility test methods or interpretive criteria have been proposed for this organism. This study reports the MIC results for 128 A. urinae isolates tested by broth microdilution. Two species in the genus Aerococcus have been implicated as rare pathogens in humans.

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de Jong MF(1), Soetekouw R, ten Kate RW, Veenendaal D. Author information: (1)Department of Internal Medicine, Kennemer Gasthuis, Boerhaavelaan 22, 2035 RC Haarlem, the Netherlands. Jongdem1@kg.nl 2010-09-15 2017-07-01 urinae bacteremia were diagnosed with infective endocarditis. A. viridans seemed to be a contaminant in most cases. The aerococcal isolates were .

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Aerococcus urinae is a Gram-positive, catalase-negative coc-cus that was first described in the 1990s as a causative organism of urinary tract infections (1). A. urinae levels of 0.3 to 0.8% in urine specimens are reported, with a preponderance in pa-tients with underlying urologic conditions (6, 8). Although the Aerococcus urinae is a member of the bacterial genus Aerococcus.

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Forty-nine cases of Aerococcus bacteremia were deemed as true bloodstream infection. The median age of patients was 79 years (range: 20−97 years). Majority were male (n = 32, 65%) and White (n = 48, 98%). The most common species was Aerococcus urinae (n = 38, 78%). Aerococcus urinae is a Gram-positive bacterium that can cause invasive infection, including infectious endocarditis (IE), mainly in older men. A. urinae is often misclassified in routine diagnostic laboratories.

Aerococcus urinae bacteremia

546-550. Aerococcus urinae: severe and fatal bloodstream infections and endocarditis. de Jong MF(1), Soetekouw R, ten Kate RW, Veenendaal D. Author information: (1)Department of Internal Medicine, Kennemer Gasthuis, Boerhaavelaan 22, 2035 RC Haarlem, the Netherlands.
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Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) showed. no vegetations  Aug 13, 2018 Microbiology Case Study: A 56 Year Old Man with Bacteremia The urine culture grew 10-50,000 cfu/ml Aerococcus urinae. After 30 hours of  Jan 17, 2016 report of 16 patients with A. urinae bacteremia included three with IE with one having a subsequent septic brain embolus [4].

A. urinae may cause simple and complicated UTIs, bacteremia, and endocarditis in older adults with multimorbidity, chronic urinary retention, or indwelling catheters. Aerococcus urinae is a Gram‐positive bacterium that can cause invasive infection, including infectious endocarditis (IE), mainly in older men.
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Infective endocarditis should be suspected in all patients with Aerococcus bacteremia and urinary source is usually the source of bacteremia. Optimal treatment of A. urinae infective endocarditis is 2018-10-17 · Aerococcus urinae is a gram-positive, alpha-hemolytic coccus bacterium primarily implicated in less than 1 % of all symptomatic urinary tract infections.

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After the introduction of MALDI-TOF MS for species determination in medical microbiology, A. urinae has been increasingly identified as a relatively common cause of both UTIs and bacteremia [4, 5]. FICHE TECHNIQUE Aerococcus urinae CLASSIFICATION - NOMENCLATURE Aerococcus urinae appartient au genre Aerococcus qui comprend à l'heure actuelle 8 espèces : 5 espèces isolées chez l'homme: Aerococcus viridans, espèce type, décrit en 1953, A.urinae (1992), A. Sweden stands up for open access – cancels agreement with Elsevier LUBcat LIBRIS Aerococcus urinae is a Gram-positive bacterium which can cause urinary tract infections (UTIs), bacteremia, and infective endocarditis (IE) [1–3]. After the  urinae causes urinary tract infections; the other species, A. viridans, a gram- positive coccus considered a contaminant in cultures, has been associated with human  Dec 28, 2012 risk for bacteraemia with A. urinae but the prognosis of bacteraemia without IE is favourable. Penicillin is appropriate for treatment of invasive  Oct 23, 2019 “Clinical and microbiological features of bacteraemia with Aerococcus urinae.” Clin Microbiol Infect. 2012 Jun;18(6):546-50.