Christian Lundström Tjurhufvud - Head of Fund Selection and


Prop. 2012/13:155 -

EuVECA II continues to allow fund managers with less than €500 million under management (and so below AIFMD minimum threshold) to raise capital from experienced investors freely throughout the EU without having to meet all of the demands of the AIFMD. Define EuVECA Manager. means a manager of a qualifying venture capital fund as defined in point (c) of the first paragraph of Article 3 of Regulation (EU) No 345/2013 and registered in accordance with Article 14 of that Regulation; Managers applying to be registered as a EuVECA manager should note that, since 1 March 2018, there is also an “own-funds requirement” attaching to such a designation. A EuVECA manager is required to have minimum initial capital of €50,000, plus own funds which at all times amount to at least one-eighth of the fixed overheads incurred by the manager in the preceding year. In order to benefit from the advantages attached to the registration as European Venture Capital Fund (“EuVECA”) manager and the EuVECA fund label, Alternative Investment Fund Managers (“AIFMs”) and the venture capital funds they manage must comply with the specific requirements laid down by the Regulation (EU) No 345/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2013 on European venture capital funds (“EuVECA Regulation”).

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Register of authorised Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMs) Updated: Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) exposures to … 2017-11-11 On 22 May 2019, the European Commission’s proposed delegated regulation supplementing the EuVECA Regulation was published in the Official Journal of the EU. It clarifies the conflicts of interest rules governing EuVECA managers and what measures to be taken by EuVECA managers to detect, prevent and control conflicts of interest. 2019-12-07 2015-05-05 4 EuVECA designation FCA Marketing Change Notification for EuVECA and EuSEF Managers January 2020 10 4. EuVECA designation Complete this section if your notification concerns a EuVECA fund We must be satisfied that the funds you manage will meet all relevant conditions for qualifying as a European venture capital fund (EuVECA). Regulation.

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av S Ahlqvist · 2018 — AIFM – Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive 2011/61/EU. ELTIF – European EuVECA – European Venture Capital Fund. HFD – Högsta  This proposal opens up the market for EuVECA and EuSEF funds to AIFMD-authorised managers so that they can offer a full range of products to clients from  Det innebär att fondförvaltaren eller riskkapitalbolagets s.k. management team företagande att marknadsföra dessa i hela EU under beteckningen ”EuVECA”  der (EuVECA) samt Europaparlamentets och Kommis- sionens avsikt är att med hjälp av EuVECA förbättra mellan en fonds managers och administra-.

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A EuVECA manager must also file the same annual reporting on its assets under management which a merely registered sub-threshold manager is required to submit. In addition, a EuVECA manager must have sufficient financial as well as technical and personal resources available, must meet certain organizational requirements and must ensure a regular, transparent valuation of the managed assets. A EuVECA manager is required to have minimum initial capital of €50,000, plus own funds which at all times amount to at least one-eighth of the fixed overheads incurred by the manager in the preceding year.

Euveca manager

means a manager of a qualifying venture capital fund as defined in point (c) of the first paragraph of Article 3 of Regulation (EU) No 345/2013 and registered in accordance with Article 14 of that Regulation; In order to benefit from the advantages attached to the registration as European Venture Capital Fund (“EuVECA”) manager and the EuVECA fund label, Alternative Investment Fund Managers (“AIFMs”) and the venture capital funds they manage must comply with the specific requirements laid down by the Regulation (EU) No 345/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2013 on … Managers applying to be registered as a EuVECA manager should note that, since 1 March 2018, there is also an “own-funds requirement” attaching to such a designation. A EuVECA manager is required to have minimum initial capital of €50,000, plus own funds which at all times amount to at least one-eighth of the fixed overheads incurred by the manager in the preceding year. Sturgeon Ventures became an EU VECA manager on 22nd December 2016, and has since launched several funds. What is venture capital? Venture capital investment provides finance to start-ups and early stage companies, forming an important source of long-term financing to young and innovative companies who believe in their new creations. Managers applying to be registered as a EuVECA manager should note that, since 1 March 2018, there is also an “own-funds requirement” attaching to such a designation. A EuVECA manager is required to have minimum initial capital of €50,000, plus own funds which at all times amount to at least one-eighth of the fixed overheads incurred by the manager in the preceding year.
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However, these managers will not benefit from the passport set out in Chapter III of EuVECA Regulation and of EuSEF Regulation regarding those AIFs which are not EuSEF or EuVECA.

A EuVECA manager is required to have minimum initial capital of €50,000, plus own funds which at all times amount to at least one-eighth of the fixed overheads incurred by the manager in the preceding year. In order to benefit from the advantages attached to the registration as European Venture Capital Fund (“EuVECA”) manager and the EuVECA fund label, Alternative Investment Fund Managers (“AIFMs”) and the venture capital funds they manage must comply with the specific requirements laid down by the Regulation (EU) No 345/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2013 on European venture capital funds (“EuVECA Regulation”).
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EuVECA- och EuSEF-förordningarna i kraft den 22 juli 2013

In addition, it should manage assets below the threshold set out in Article 3 (2) (b) of the AIFMD. EuVECA managers shall on a durable medium disclose information of any identified conflicts of interest to the investors before undertaking business on their behalf.

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However, the manager will remain subject to the provisions of AIFMD, including the requirement to appoint a depositary.